This is it. Another amazing year, much of it a blur in the truest sense, but so many feelings come up as I think back month by month about how much has changed. We started the year as a family of three, awaiting the arrival of our sweet little Emerson. April came along and she was here. Aria turned two - I still...
It's 5:45am, my second cup of coffee is halfway finished, the house smells like a York peppermint patty (Stress Away + Peppermint) and Bubble Guppies are already apart of my morning. Our day started at 4am when both girls decided it was time to wake up. I never know if it's a tiny human collaboration, a Thursday morning mutiny or the result of...
Well not exactly - but they should be. We had a powerful ice storm hit us last week which made the Willamette Valley look like a war zone. Huge old trees split in half, and if they didn't break, they bent over themselves touching the ground. Water-logged and frozen limbs came down over power lines, pulled up sidewalks and crushed cars and houses...
The picture on the right is me, currently eight months postpartum with baby #2. And on the left is me, 6 months before we found out we were going to be parents the following year. Nutrition has always been a big one for me, as our health is one of the most valuable things we have. But there is such a difference in...
When I have overripe bananas, it only means one thing - I must bake something. Torn between banana bread vs banana muffins, I went with the later because I really wanted to make a sweet crumble topping, which stays intact better on muffins, and muffins are toddler friendly. The sweet aroma coming from the kitchen had Aria walking around the house saying "s-mellls...
Friday mornings are for a festive breakfast.. since Emi was up at the crack of dawn I decided to get a little Frosty the Snowman-themed breakfast ready for Aria since we've been watching the 1969 classic all week. Emerson started the process of crushing candy canes as seen on Snapchat this morning.. and I brought out some chocolate chips & sprinkles. I'd love to...
If you're reading this my assumption is that you fall into at least one of the above categories.. or maybe all three like I do. I take dozens of pictures each week and even though many are featured here and on Instagram, there are always many more that I love. So here I've complied my top apps that I've used over and over...
My stomach feels full just thinking about how much food was consumed over the past four days. :) #noregrets Our Thanksgiving was pretty low key this year, which was wonderful as it left lots of room for afternoon naps, going back for a third helping of turkey & cranberry leftovers and an extra piece of pie. We stayed home, venturing only as far...
There will only be about 9,583 gift guides compiled this holiday season, but I wanted to get this out for you to peek at before Black Friday. Here's a peak at some of the items Seth has requested over the past year, items that have been on our wishlists for far too long, and a couple items that are tried and true. ...