Misc Fun

12 Best iOS Photo Apps for Moms, Bloggers & Insta Addicts

11:38 AM
If you're reading this my assumption is that you fall into at least one of the above categories.. or maybe all three like I do. I take dozens of pictures each week and even though many are featured here and on Instagram, there are always many more that I love. So here I've complied my top apps that I've used over and over...



Our Thanksgiving

6:00 AM
My stomach feels full just thinking about how much food was consumed over the past four days. :) #noregrets Our Thanksgiving was pretty low key this year, which was wonderful as it left lots of room for afternoon naps, going back for a third helping of turkey & cranberry leftovers and an extra piece of pie. We stayed home, venturing only as far...



Gift Guide for the Fit Guy

2:00 PM
There will only be about 9,583 gift guides compiled this holiday season, but I wanted to get this out for you to peek at before Black Friday. Here's a peak at some of the items Seth has requested over the past year, items that have been on our wishlists for far too long, and a couple items that are tried and true.  ...



Family Pictures

9:45 AM
I’m so excited to share a few of our family photos taken last weekend at the Mount Pisgah Arboretum. A huge thank you to our talented photographer, Kari Renee for snapping all of these pictures in less than half an hour & capturing the girls so beautifully, even when they weren’t being so cooperative!  Emerson's coat | Plaid Bow | Fox Print Bow...



Holiday Gift Guide | Toddlers & Babies

10:13 AM
We are over here dreaming of turkey, cranberries & pumpkin pie and just realized that Christmas is only five weeks away! That's FIVE weeks from YESTERDAY! I am so excited to share a small holiday gift guide that I have put together, including a few of the things my girls absolutely love & and a few things that will be under the tree...



Holiday Decor Inspiration

7:30 AM
What is happening to November!? It's just flying by over here! We busted out the bins of Christmas decoration this week. Truth be told, the bins were pulled down in the garage in October, and have been making their way towards the door to the house, so I finally hauled them in. We've been inside recovering from a cold, that morphed into all...



Monday Motivation | A Fresh Start & New To-Do List

6:42 AM
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind around here. We were all hit with an intense cold :(, but on the bright side, that tends to mean more time laying around being lazy together, snuggled on the couch or playing games and reading stories. We started to feel better, and enjoyed the company of lots of friends we haven't seen since the...



Time Management with Babies

11:17 AM
I have a natural desire for order and balance, organization and cleanliness. Having a two and a half year old and 7 month old who need me while they are awake requires my time to be flexible. Here are my top tips for managing time with little ones.  1. Batching my time; do things once.  2. Routine. So important, try to establish daily...



October Highlights & Halloween

6:58 AM
I anticipated sharing this yesterday, but that may say something for how fast the days go by and how fast October went by as a whole. I can hardly believe November is here. I always catch myself saying how fast time seems to be going by, but I think it's moving at warp speed now. Currently, I feel like October happened without us, but then...


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