
Monday Motivation | A Fresh Start & New To-Do List

6:42 AM

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind around here. We were all hit with an intense cold :(, but on the bright side, that tends to mean more time laying around being lazy together, snuggled on the couch or playing games and reading stories. We started to feel better, and enjoyed the company of lots of friends we haven't seen since the Spring. Add in routine errands & chores and some fun playdates, we found ourselves constantly moving.

We kicked off our week with some Sunday afternoon meal prep for the week, which always feel SO good to have done. But as I sip on my coffee, I'm looking forward to the rest of the week and mapping a few things out.

- finish a couple posts that have been a draft for faaaarrrrr too long.
- wrap up some other technical projects I'll be sharing with you soon.
- attend a fun Make & Take party!
- take more time to be mindful - I love this app which helps reel things in when life gets crazy.
- have more patience with my girls.
- make some cookies for Aria to decorate.
- do something anonymous to make someone else happy.
- workout at least 3 (preferably 4) times this week.
- try to video more everyday moments at home.
- put together outfits for our family pictures
- go to church this coming weekend.

I came across this list below recently to help provide some thought/insight into personal goals, achievements and a way to be more aware of how much we really do accomplish. I also found it made me excited about the little things, which are often overlooked:

- A book you're excited to read
- A skill you want to learn
- A recipe you'd like to try
- A good deed you'd like to do
- A purchase you'd like to make
- A goal you'd like to achieve
- A workout you'd like to test
- A lesson you learned in the last month

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
- Vince Lombardi

How do you tackle your week? I'd love to hear from you about your goals, motivators, and how you conquer your to-to lists! (just scroll to the bottom ;) 

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