Pumpkin Pie Creamer

2:05 PM

I'll take my coffee almost any way. I enjoy it black, with milk, add in some stevia, creamer or make a full on latte, I'm not picky. My only hang up when it comes to coffee is if there is a bunch of processed junk in there; I'm looking at you artificially-flavored coffee creamer.

It's delicious, but does not benefit your health. I love to enjoy treats this time of year, but I don't want corn syrups, carrageenan or preservatives. So I tend to make my own. 

I also am looking like I'm back in my adolescent years with more breakouts recently, so I'm steering clear of dairy for a few weeks. 

With all that said, I originally found a simple recipe on Pinterest and it with dairy, it turned out great! So I decided to play around and make up a dairy-free/paleo friendly version. I could chug this stuff, it's that good. Seth, who loves pumpkin pie, but nothing "pumpkin spice", even liked this stuff. ;) I secretly think he's just hung up on the term & all the yoga-wearing-mom-life associations with psl that happens this time of year. 

Anyway, you can bust this out in less than 10 minutes - thats including getting all your supplies out. 

Go grab your blender and you can enjoy this in your next cup!

Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie Creamer

makes about 2 cups

You will need: 
3 tbsp pumpkin puree
3 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla
1 can condensed coconut milk
1 cup canned coconut milk or cashew milk* (your preference)

Pour all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth, store in an airtight container and enjoy within a 7 days. 

Whats your favorite coffee flavor? Are you more of a "coffee with my creamer" or "just a splash of sweetener" kind? Scroll to the bottom, I'd love to hear!

I found this at our local Albertsons! 

*I prefer using canned coconut milk or cashew milk as they are creamier than almond or rice milk. 

Note: If you don't have to worry about dairy, you can sub the cup of coconut or cashew milk for 1/2 cup milk & 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream. 

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