I see you. You're alot like me. You have some pans stashed in the kitchen, but you have one favorite that you use for everything. It used to be non-stick, but the stuff wore off in the middle. You need a new pan, but you just don't have time to sift through and find a good one. That's where I come in. I...
Cute fabric, lettering and pockets. Do you know how many advent calenders I "added to cart" in the past month? Sorry, Anthro, I love you, but I just couldn't do a $50 pocket-covered curtain. I wanted something with big enough spaces I could really get creative with little treasures for the kids, without breaking the bank. I turned to Pinterest, but I don't...
We went into Hobby Lobby this morning to shop for Christmas decorations. It was awesome, and so so much fun! Yes, it's only October 18th, but I'm loving how magical everything is for the girls right now - especially Aria. She has loved every little fun thing that comes with this time of the year, and I honestly loved that as we toured...
I feel like I should be sharing a Fall-inspired paleo chili or something, (those are coming, believe me!) but life it all about balance, and since we're diving into the holiday season, I'm going to kick it off with these super simple & delicious baked donuts. I woke up this morning craving donuts, but it's pretty much impossible to find gluten-free donuts -...
It's been super slow over here on the blog this summer.. I think the slowest since I began. But there are alot of reasons behind that, so I thought I'd share a bit about what we've been up to. Our schedule has changed to where the girls are in preschool one full day a week as opposed to a more daycare style care...
It's been awhile since we've had a Friday Favorites, so here's a special edition for today covering meal prep & kitchen favorites. I've been talking about doing this post for awhile, but I wanted to make sure it was narrowed it down to things I consider an important part of any kitchen and they are things we use daily/weekly. My new and most...
The next Whole30 starts next week and I'm here to help you prepare as much as I can, so Pin this post, or save it somewhere you can find it again because here's a list of resources that I turn to over and over again. I'm kicking it off with my Shopping Guide - this is not a full blown list, these are...
I'm pretty sure gummybears are apart of my DNA at this point.. and will be part of our girls soon.. I mean, it was my number one craving while I was pregnant with Aria and is kinda a household staple.. thank you Costco.. We do ration them, making them more of a treat for Aria.. but I wanted to make a healthier version...
Hey guys, so we're gearing up for an August Whole30 and would LOVE to have you join us!! I'll be sharing some of my favorite Whole30 compliant recipes and resources later this week, so stay tuned. I'm sharing this recipes since it's one of my favorites from WellFed 2.. You guys, you NEED this book. Every single recipe is Whole30 compliant and abolutely...
Summer is FINALLY here, (if you're in Oregon like me, winter lasted 10 months too long) - but sunny weather means all the fun posts and summertime activities. We love essential oils and all the fun DIY's and festive things that come with them, so I thought I'd share a few things I've put together recently in case you're a new member of...
It's 5:30am and I'm sipping a little coffee while trying to plan our day. I think its a coffee + park playdate kinda-day. I'm also taking advantage of the calm before the storm.. the Emi storm. A source of constant movement & excitement, that girl keeps me on my toes from the minute she wakes up, with her new favorite game being climb on...
Twenty Eight.. I don't mind. And that's the honest truth, mostly because I find myself looking forward to the future more than I ever have before. There's been lots of change in the past year, things that motivate me, push me and drive me more. I'm always sharing about the girls, and not so much about me, so here's 28 things about me...
Aria is three.. and has been for almost two weeks - and that right there is one of the thousand reasons behind the hashtag #momlife.. The day of her birthday, we had so much fun. She picked out her favorite dress, we then headed to the cutest little bakery where she picked out four cupcakes for our little celebration at home that night....