Aria is Three

9:02 AM

Aria is three.. and has been for almost two weeks - and that right there is one of the thousand reasons behind the hashtag #momlife..

The day of her birthday, we had so much fun. She picked out her favorite dress, we then headed to the cutest little bakery where she picked out four cupcakes for our little celebration at home that night. The fun continued all day as we went to pick up balloons, run some quick errands for her party the next day and even ended with a fro-yo date topped with all the sprinkes & gummies.

Her party was the next day - cue the Costco platters as I made the cupcakes. A post-naptime celebration would ensure everyone was in a good mood and minimize meltdowns. However, 2:15pm and we hear Aria rustling around in her room followed by the sound of her vomiting. 
Oh no! (you should know there were some other four letter words mixed in there.. ;) 

Her party was set to start at 3:30pm - we had planned to wake the girls at 2:45pm so we could arrive early, but we played janitor as we called all the families to let them know the party was rescheduled. We covered her in Tummygize and she seemed better later that night and she recovered over the next few days. 

Since then, we've been doing our best to enjoy the sunshine which shows itself a few days at time. 

It's been a blur, but to think I became a mama just a couple years ago to the sweetest little girl  - one who's too smart for her own good, has more sass & attitude than any three year old should but the biggest heart and sweetest soul; makes me take a step back and wipe my happy tears.

Over the past year she has become a snuggler, which I can't get enough of. Every night we read stories and talk about our day - and every night she can tell me more, using bigger words, understanding and conversing with me - it's bittersweet because I love each phase a little more than the last, but I long to hold onto those days she'd fall asleep in my arms. 

To see how she loves her little sister makes my heart melt. Insisting on giving her kisses at naptime, bringing her pacis, blankies & sippy cups.. and already convincing Emi to do her dirty work.. gets me every time. 

Happy birthday sweet little Aria. We love you more than words can say. Stay little.. stop growing and all that mushy mom stuff.    xoxo, Mama 

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