Life Lately

8:35 PM

It's been super slow over here on the blog this summer.. I think the slowest since I began. But there are alot of reasons behind that, so I thought I'd share a bit about what we've been up to. Our schedule has changed to where the girls are in preschool one full day a week as opposed to a more daycare style care that was three mornings a week. This has left me (dancing in the kitchen of a quiet house!) and trying to get as much as I can done all in one day so I can focus on the girls the rest of the week.

We have more projects than ever happening right now, which leaves us in a bit of constant transition. Although it has been super busy, it's been a really fun season. We seem to alternate days packed with activity; playdates, early morning and evening walks, trips to the farm, picking blackberries and a few last trips to the pool or splash pad while we still can with days where we don't get out of our pajamas - but enjoying the summer in every way we can.

Aria is speaking full-blown sentences using logic & reason and it's constantly surprising me.
It also makes me realize how she is turning into a little girl, her own person.. and less and less a baby. Bittersweet for sure; "mama, hold on a minute.. let me finish this first" as she builds a block tower as slow as possible to stall having to brush her teeth for another minute. ;)

Emi is my ever-wild child. Her favorite thing right now is to trampoline-style jump along the length of the couch.. and as I tell her to sit down, she lands by throwing her feet out straight into an 'L' shape in front of her, landing on her butt, then rolling over to hide her face in the cushions. She only has a million little bruises.. that you fortunately never see because she's always running somewhere with a big smile on her face. Her vocabulary is expanding, and it's quite polite with "thank you" and "bwess yoooou" topping the list of frequent words, followed by "no!" and "all done!".

As far as our projects go, many of you have jumped over to my happymamaessentials page and joined us in our adventure with oils. You guys, this has been the most fulfilling thing  - to share wellness, sleep and a way to have a chemical-free home, all while connecting with families across the country. Truly a home-business that I'm so passionate about. These oils have been life-changing and I want them for everyone! I do find that as our team grows I am dedicating more time to them, and I love it.

Since our app launched last December, we've continued to see crazy growth and find ourselves working to improve the app and provide more for our users. Seth is really the brains behind this thing and seeing him diving into courses and working this side-hustle that falls right in line with our passion for fitness has been so great.

And with more fitness & food related things, I've always wanted to compete in a bikini competition and recently had things fall into place to make it all happen!! I'm super excited and will be sure to share a bit about the preparation in the coming months.

With all the fires here in Oregon, we were cooped up for a few weeks, but this past week brought rain and our very first trip without the kids (whaaaa!?) to celebrate our best friends getting married!!

The days have began to feel Fall, where the mornings are crisp, I can leave the windows open all day long and throw a few fun decorations up. I felt a little uninspired over the summer, but I have lots of fun things in store in the coming months. Thank you for reading, sharing and all your sweet notes of support. I'm so thankful for you all! Here's to an amazing week ahead!! xoxo

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