Aria's Second Birthday
2:37 PM
This little ice-cream queen turned two this week, so to celebrate we filled the days with ice-cream, or rather "kweeb" in Aria's terms, sprinkles, popsicles and all thinks pink & fun.
We kept her actually birth day celebration low key at home with family to open presents and blow out her candles. We decided to go with a play kitchen for her birthday this year. With a big thank you going out to my brother-in-law for venturing to Ikea and hauling it up here from Cali earlier in the month. Aria loves to be in the kitchen with us. We set her on the counter to make coffee and pancakes in the mornings or give her spoons and a mixing bowl of Cheerios to mix and sort, so it just seemed perfect.
We told family our plans of a kitchen so everyone pitched in all sorts of kitchen themed gifts & accessories.. pots & pans, food and all the cutest tiny utensils. Why are tiny spoons and cups so much cuter than regular ones? ;) I've found that there is a never ending list of hacks to make the little wooden kitchen even cuter! A mini kitchen renovation may already be in the plans. ;)
I decided to make her cake myself again this year. I had the hardest time deciding between several ideas I had, but went with a gluten & dairy-free chocolate cake recipe with dairy-free vanilla frosting topped with dairy-free fudge and a faux ice cream cone. I wasn't quite brave enough to make this an actual ice-cream filled cake- maybe next year. ;)
With the extra batter I made some mini cupcakes. Sprinkle dipped waffle cones and vanilla & strawberry coconut ice cream a la mode.
Watching her blow out her little candle on her cake may be my favorite part. She wasn't quite sure what to make of us all singing "Happy Birthday" to her, she had the cutest little smile on her face as she looked at us all as if we'd lost our minds. Her recent bubble blowing made for great practice for her birthday wishes. She was so happy as blew out the flame.
I've cream cones, sprinkles all over the floor and too much sugar before bed made for one happy toddler. She had so much fun!
Friday we had planned an ice-cream play date at the park, but cooler, rainy weather made for a change of plans that made my living room look like a pink tornado hit. Baby dolls, tea party remnants and all the play jewelry made for a toddler-created mine field.
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Such a little comedian, haha! I captured so many different faces with these balloons, this was my favorite! |
I seriously cannot believe this sweet girl made me a mom, and her daddy & I parents just two years ago. It's bittersweet, as she's growing too fast, but I cannot wait to see what this coming year brings. We love you Aria, happy second birthday baby girl!