Weekly Workouts

2:15 PM

On a good week, I workout four times.. I would love to five days a week, but I have a toddler, life is the pile of puffs being dropped by tiny fingers over the highchair tray to the floor.  So.. 3 workouts a week is more common.

With each new phase Aria enters, my schedule adjusts accordingly. Right now, I workout at night, around 8pm, once the little one is in bed. I also managed to wreck my stroller so running is on hold for now.. Graco is amazing by the way and is sending me a new one :)

Until then, I'm making more use of our garage gym. I don't always feel like moving a barbell around, and bodyweight workouts can be tough.. your moving one-hundred plus some-odd pounds around - that can be brutal. I have included 5 home workouts here. I've done them all, several in the past week. They are good cardio/fat burning and strengthening at the same time.  Warning: your butt may be sore. 


25 weighted lunges (I used 2-15# dumbbells)
25 leg lifts

25 weighted lunges
25 ab-mat situps** 

25 weighted lunges

25 weighted lunges
25 slow russian twists

* if you don't have dumbbells, find something to hold onto: hammers, cans of beans.. be creative ;) 
**use a rolled up towel under the small of your back if you don't have an abmat


3 Rounds

25 Air squats  (don't let your knees go past your toes when you squat)
20 Push-ups

*go as heavy as you are comfortable, I used a 26kg kettlebell. If you don't have kettlebells, run for 1 minute. 


Run 1 mile or for 10 mins

30 air squats
30 ab-mat sit-ups
30 flutter kicks - slow and controlled
30 bicycles


15 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

15 Walking Lunges
15 Jumping Squats
15 Burpees
15 Push-ups


4 Rounds

20 Jumping Lunges
1 minute plank hold

Keep good, slow and controlled form. Time yourself and repeat in a month and see how you improve, that's my favorite part. :)

Bathroom mirror selfies.. I know. 

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