
30 Day Squat Challenge

8:42 PM
Want buns of steel? - Do a month of daily squats. That's up next for this month's workout challenge. The 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge wraps up today, I can't wait to share the results and feedback with you, (our Facebook Group kicked some kettlebell booty!).  But I thought I would provide a quick rundown for the month ahead - Squats. Here's the drill:...



Summer is here

11:57 AM
The weather has been so wonderful the past week, so I've been away from the blog, just soaking up as much time in the sun and water as we can. If you follow us on snapchat (m.wheeler711), you've seen plenty of splashing and fun.  The end of June also means the end of our 10,000 swing kettlebell challenge! I can't wait to share...



Recipe | Paleo Balsamic Roasted Beets

10:11 AM
I grew up eating canned, sliced, pickled beets. I could easily eat my weight in those. I love beets, and as I have become more aware of my diet over the past few years and try to eat food in it's least processed form, I tend to stray away from canned & packaged foods. We live two miles away from two farms that...



Life with Two

1:20 PM
Some days it seems so surreal that we have two sweet girls. We have finally settled into a good routine...most days anyway.  Aria still goes to a preschool-based daycare several mornings a week, so it's just Emerson & I, and I can cross a few things off the to-do list that is a mile long. The days I have both girls are the...



Paleo Strawberry Freezer Jam

4:55 PM
Sun-kissed cheeks & shoulders, the smell of a fresh cut lawn and hearing the sprinklers kick on as the sun comes up.. summer is here. And that means berries are ripe too. The past couple years I haven't been able to enjoy the summer as much as I would have liked to. When you work in the wine industry coupled with being an...



12 Sanity Savers

1:38 PM
With a toddler and a newborn, most days are filled with happiness, love & cuddles, I love it. There are also those days where I empty the dispenser of baby wipes and accept too many fistfuls of food that the toddler doesn’t want to eat.. on those days I need something to help keep my sanity intact. So here’s my list of favorites...



6 Tips to Improve your Kettlebell Swing

2:08 PM
Today is Day 1 of the 10,000 Swing Challenge! This a fun & grinding workout, and will be my second set of 10k when it's over. You can see the original posts on this here and here and the creator's article here. These are Russian Kettlebell Swings, where the kettlebell only travels to about shoulder height. Even though these aren't full American Swings...

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