Bump-date | 37 Weeks
7:00 AM
I can't even believe it! We'll soon be able to hold our new baby girl! It's been a little bit, and with only 3 weeks left, I thought I would post a new chalkboard and update our little bump-quiz :)
Name: Emerson Rose Wheeler, our little Emi :)
How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 33lbs. I gained 35 with Aria, so that's right on track for me.
Maternity clothes? Yes, I'm still living in these leggings, and maxi dresses. I wear some maternity tops.. but mostly I just go up a size or buy longer and/or stretchy tops. I haven't been able to commit to buying a pair of actual maternity pants with either pregnancy.
Stretch marks? I have 3 tiny marks on the left side of my belly button. They cropped up over two days a few weeks ago. I still use Mustela
everyday and swear by it's magical powers.
Sleep: I get about 4-5 solid hours each night. I tend to wake up around 3am and toss and turn until we get up around 5am.
Movement: Lots little kicks in the ribs, which is all new territory this time. Beyond the kicks, it's mostly just squirming. She's made it apparent she's tight on space.. I'm just convinced she's packing her bags ;)
Food cravings: Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (on gluten free bread ;), cereal... I'm pretty sure I'm eating more Cheerios than my toddler.. pineapple and olives. I'm also craving a margarita like crazy!
Labor Signs: I started having regular contractions about a week ago. Timing them, they go from every 30 minutes down to 10 then down to 5 mins apart..then stop and return to every 30 minutes. Frustration has set in a little bit.. haha! We we're excited to find out that I'm about 1cm dilated and 70% effaced at our appt this week, so we'll see!
Belly Button in or out? Flat and MIA..
Happy or Moody? Happy, moody, anxious, impatient, excited - all of it!
Looking forward to: Enjoying that margarita I've been craving ;) And sleeping on my stomach if I want. Moving & breathing easier.. and wearing the rest of my wardrobe again! haha!
But I'm really looking forward to the little and easily overlooked things.. like being able to fully hug my husband, and being able to better snuggle Aria as we read books at bedtime.
I savor all the sweet things about pregnancy - it really is such a blessing. I love every kick and push.. I can now feel her toes, heel and the shape of her tiny feet as they skim my belly. I love her little hiccups and when her fingers sweep around. I daydream constantly about what she'll look like, how her personality could be similar or different from Aria's and how they will play together. I just can't wait to meet our little Emerson, kiss her, squeeze her, take in all of her baby coos, and love her forever.
Looking forward to: Enjoying that margarita I've been craving ;) And sleeping on my stomach if I want. Moving & breathing easier.. and wearing the rest of my wardrobe again! haha!
But I'm really looking forward to the little and easily overlooked things.. like being able to fully hug my husband, and being able to better snuggle Aria as we read books at bedtime.
I savor all the sweet things about pregnancy - it really is such a blessing. I love every kick and push.. I can now feel her toes, heel and the shape of her tiny feet as they skim my belly. I love her little hiccups and when her fingers sweep around. I daydream constantly about what she'll look like, how her personality could be similar or different from Aria's and how they will play together. I just can't wait to meet our little Emerson, kiss her, squeeze her, take in all of her baby coos, and love her forever.