We had wonderful, joy-filled and relaxing Christmas. I hope yours was too! There have been little presents from family under the tree for the past few weeks, but Aria could have cared less, so to her surprise on Christmas morning they had multiplied and she learned they are supposed to be ripped open ;). With each package her eyes lit up and excitement...
December has been a whirlwind. I thought I was on top of all the shopping until it came down to reviewing our list.. Amazon - I love you. Santa's coming, cookies have been baked, decorated, squished & crumbled. stockings are full.. (because toddlers can't tell if they are or aren't ;)) and hot cocoa has been sipped.. now we sit back and...
The month of November kicked my butt. Between all the yummy treats of Thanksgiving and a cough I couldn't seem to shake and every other excuse I can think of - I didn't workout once. (sad emoji here) haha! But I'm finally feeling better and with my work schedule calming down a bit I've been able to get back into moving some weights...
If you want to ensure that you will find Christmas in your home for the next year, decorate gingerbread houses and sugar cookies with a toddler. I'm sure I will be finding myself in a battle of "darn it, here's another red sprinkle" and "awe, here's another little sprinkle, how sweet!" over the coming months. It really was fun! Not even joking, it's...
This will be Aria's second Christmas, and I can not wait to see her eyes light up this year! Last year, our little squishy 8 month old was just along for the ride, taking it all in and ripping some paper along the way.. But this year, there is definitely a little more magic, awe and fun this year. We started to pull...
Maybe it was some crazy nesting instincts.. maybe I had dealt with the wood paneling for too long.. maybe this old house just needed a living room face lift.. Our little house was built in 1970.. and we're renting. One outweighs the other, but both mean we are limited in what we can do to this house, but I can say I have...