As I wrote the title to this, I could hardly believe that we are going to have to face the end of another summer very soon. I'm not sure what happened to it and I know it went by super fast.. but I'm secretly a little excited for fall. Until then, we have another challenge ahead of us. Regaining my strength has been...
With two little ones we are keeping travel to a minimum. I'm sure you can relate that with most car trips, there is a pacifier referee, snack manager & toy exchange service. These features are great for the first class back-seat passengers, not so fun for the pilot & co-pilot. But we made sure to get one trip in this summer and spent...
We love Mexican food around here. If we go out to dinner, there's a 90% chance that it's for Mexican food. Chili Colorado is one of our favorites, but taking a hot mess of a toddler & a baby into a restaurant is a no-go recently, so we decided to make it here at home, so we can have it whenever it sounds...
These are so simple.. and maybe you've already tried this, but I thought I'd share the most recent watermelon revelation around here: Frozen Watermelon Pops If you follow along on Insta & Snap you'll have seen alot of watermelon recently. It's Aria's favorite and is just so good. Up there on Aria's favorite's list with watermelon is popsicles. So I combined the two. ...
June has come and gone (I don't know where - but it did!) and we're down another 10,000 swings. I'm not entirely sure I would have finished if it weren't for this incredible Facebook group who kept me motivated and driven to finish this grueling program! Knowing what I was going into helped immensely as far as how to approach each workout this time....