Some of you may remember my review from the first time we did this.. it's one of those workout programs that you love to hate. As part of my recovery and goals to regain my lost strength & endurance I will be completing this cycle in June. I'd love for you to join me! It's a grind, but the results are absolutely worth...
Pregnancy, labor & delivery blow my mind. The fact that we can grow a perfect, tiny human and deliver them into this world, no matter what kind of birth you have, is absolutely incredible. It seems we are in a world where bouncing back into your pre-pregnancy body is expected to take .53 seconds after you give birth. Lets be real.. My first...
This little ice-cream queen turned two this week, so to celebrate we filled the days with ice-cream, or rather "kweeb" in Aria's terms, sprinkles, popsicles and all thinks pink & fun. We kept her actually birth day celebration low key at home with family to open presents and blow out her candles. We decided to go with a play kitchen for her birthday...