
No-Bake Protein Bars

1:25 PM
I love a simple protein bar to have for an on-the-go snack.. but I'm not always in love with the price. These are quick to throw together, and if you package them in parchment and a ziploc, you can throw them in your bag for post-workout or even a mid-errands snack. I did choose to use a honey sunflower butter this time to...



Weekly Wrap-Up

12:03 PM
I've been away from the blog for a little bit.. but I have a little project in the works I can't wait to share very soon! Life is just so busy, and seems to go by a little quicker lately, so I've been trying to sit back and savor the moments when I can. Aria is growing up so very fast, I can...



Parmesan Pesto Zoodles with Sausage & Shrimp

10:38 AM
There was time I was a pasta fanatic.. comforting, filling and delicious. But it would always backfire, and I would feel awful after eating it. Once I discovered that gluten was out for me, I sought out ways to replicate it without all the awful 'side effects'. Enter zucchini noodles - or zoodles. ;) There are several ways to make zoodles.. hand peelers...



More than my Valentine

4:02 PM
I know I'm deviating from the typical health & fitness posts this week, it's just fun to mix it up. I've been in the pink, red & white frame of mind recently with all the cute Valentine's things everywhere you go.  It's funny to think that ever since Seth and I were dating, neither of us have been big on Valentine's day. We...


Baby Bump

PinkBlush & A Giveaway

1:01 PM
Spring is around the corner and we can hardly wait! One of my favorite things about warm Spring weather is pulling out all of my favorite maxi dresses from the closet! I am a firm believer that they never go out of style and I love to add a few to my wardrobe every year. Plus, they are versatile, dressed up, or down and...



Paleo Costco Haul

2:41 PM
Costco - love it, hate it.. we all know what it means. Every couple weeks we make a mad run through it's aisles for our grocery staples.  I originally thought I would try to take a picture of our actual cart-load.. but reality hit 3/4 of the way through last night's trip; there was not going to be a good time or location...



Our Weekend

7:15 PM
We took full advantage of having no plans over the weekend. Usually, we're rushing around to get as many tasks done as we can before falling into the couch after Aria goes to bed.  The weather kept us in the for most part, but the sun did come out on Sunday. Aria is now 21 months.. how is she almost 2?! But I...

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