Happy Halloween eve from the Wheelers! I can't believe Halloween is already here... feels like yesterday was Valentine's Day. We finally made it to the pumpkin patch this week.. we've made several attempts, but with all the fall fun, Aria is usually a little too tuckered out from the festivities to actually get our pumpkins. In the past we just go pick the...
Somewhere between the pints of coconut ice-cream, 'shareable' size bags of Lifesavers gummies that are no-where near sharing size, and the Arby's curly fry runs (those frys!).. I somehow missed all the Pinterest articles on the postpartum aspect of having a baby. With my first pregnancy, I was thought I was ready for it all, the nursery was done 2 months before my...
Finding the motivation to work out when you are pregnant is like reheating your cup of coffee 5 times, intending to drink it, but eventually dumping the remaining half out. Intentions are great, but intention is like the guy who stares at you as your wrestle your toddler, 5 bags of groceries, digging into your purse for your keys, while trying to keep...
Everywhere you look, you'll see a new post about how wonderful Fall is.. and we are no exception, thoroughly enjoying it as much as we can. We have nice cool mornings and hot afternoons still, but it's pumpkin time dammit. We've made some trips to the farms for apples & pumpkins and a cruise though the corn-maize. I had never walked through a...
Fall has only just kissed us and we have our first cold of the season. Feeling under the weather makes me wish I was a kid again; I could lay on the couch, watch cartoons, eat Campbell's chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers and sip on 7-up all day. Worked like a charm every time. Now that I'm a mom, I want to keep...
Good morning, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Ours was filled with hustle and bustle, but we tried to slow down when we could. It's definitely Fall around here, the leaves are falling, awaiting tiny feet to crush the leaves in the back yard. Crisp morning air calls for a bundled up walk.. and nothing sounds better than snuggling up under...
Kettlebells are a pregnant woman's best friend - actually they can be anyone's best friend. But when you are wanting to stay in hot-mama shape, kettlebells are key. They are a versatile piece of equipment for a quick, whole body workout, that incorporates strength, cardio and improved flexibility. Win-win-win. I've found that as my belly gets bigger, I'm using the barbells less and...