This past week has been uncomfortably hot.. the kind of hot that makes you want to lie in a puddle on the floor.. under a fan, on a bed of ice. The humidity.. I die. The heat makes it tough to workout as well. Your need for fluids doubles when it's scorching out and add in a workout, you multiply the dehydration factor....
On a good week, I workout four times.. I would love to five days a week, but I have a toddler, life is the pile of puffs being dropped by tiny fingers over the highchair tray to the floor. So.. 3 workouts a week is more common. With each new phase Aria enters, my schedule adjusts accordingly. Right now, I workout at night,...
First, I want to note that this is my story, and what worked for me to regain my strength and endurance after pregnancy and a c-section. Please seek the advice of your doctor for any questions/concerns and for a case by case analysis. Each individuals background, procedure and experience is different. I was blessed with a great pregnancy, no complaints. Of course there...
First, I have never made ratatouille.. and I always think about the Disney movie with the little mouse, don't you? In reality it is a French vegetable stew made of tomatoes, eggplants, zucchinis, bell peppers, garlic and onions. I am a proud new owner of the latest Whole30 book by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig. They are awesome. I honestly poured over every page...
Part 1 outlined our first attempts with dairy; cheese shreds, a little yogurt.. we went slow and did alright. We did experience a couple days were we determined we gave her too much too soon and would go back to dairy free for 2-3 days before going back to cheese and yogurt. Part 2 outlines our steps to a successful reintroduction. ...