
Introducing Dairy after Intolerance - Part 1: Our First Year

8:36 AM
Aria just turned a year old. After a mommies-only night out a couple nights ago, it seems there is agreement that the first 3-5 months went by sooooo sllllooooooowwwwllllyyyyy that there may have been moments where time stood still. I say this with happiness and exhaustion at the same time. I wanted time to stop when she slept all snuggled into my arms...



8 Tips for Working Out with a New Baby

1:18 PM
Right before I had Aria, my plan on getting back into shape was set: Wait until I was cleared at 6 weeks postpartum, re-join my Crossfit classes 3 times per week, I'd feed her before class, she could just chill in her bouncy seat, I could get my workout in and be back in shape in no time. Then I actually had a...

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