Meal Prep

Whole30 Cheat Sheet

10:48 AM
The next Whole30 starts next week and I'm here to help you prepare as much as I can, so Pin this post, or save it somewhere you can find it again because here's a list of resources that I turn to over and over again. I'm kicking it off with my Shopping Guide - this is not a full blown list, these are...



DIY Gummy Bears

11:27 AM
I'm pretty sure gummybears are apart of my DNA at this point.. and will be part of our girls soon.. I mean, it was my number one craving while I was pregnant with Aria and is kinda a household staple.. thank you Costco.. We do ration them, making them more of a treat for Aria.. but I wanted to make a healthier version...



Whole30 Pineapple Jerk Chicken

10:16 AM
Hey guys, so we're gearing up for an August Whole30 and would LOVE to have you join us!! I'll be sharing some of my favorite Whole30 compliant recipes and resources later this week, so stay tuned. I'm sharing this recipes since it's one of my favorites from WellFed 2.. You guys, you NEED this book. Every single recipe is Whole30 compliant and abolutely...

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