Love is supposed to be effortless right? When you fall in love, start dating, decide to get married and start a life together, it's pretty easy to look at the other person you are sharing your life with and get all twitterpated about them.. you put in all sorts of effort to make sure everything is wonderful. But with that journey you're embarking...
It's been awhile since I've shared the girls ages & stages and all the fun things about our days. Life has been a whirlwind lately and the blog has been slow, but our days are overflowing with sweetness as our girls are becoming closer. Aria is almost three and I can't even handle it. Every night as we read stories at bedtime and...
Much debated, here's a breakdown and the differences of the two styles of programming in a easy to review list & info-graphic (I've always wanted to do an info-graphic, so here you go!). ...