
Why I don't eat breakfast for breakfast

2:23 PM
Breakfast. It's either a daily ritual, where you prepare a meal for yourself and/or the ones you love or its something that if it happens, great, if not, you're in the snack drawer at work or downing 3 cups of coffee in the next 2 hours. It's overlooked, and often less exciting than the dry piece of toast crumbling on your plate. It...



Gelatin: The Secret Superfood you should be taking

8:15 PM
When someone mentions gelatin, two things typically come to mind, orange Jell-o and cow hooves.. that's as much exposure as I had had up until recently. It started with a recipe for bone broth. Everyone raving about how the stuff is so great, so good for you.. etc. I just wanted to know why, so here's the scoop. First, there are several types...



Workout 011

9:46 PM
Strength:  Backsquats 5,5,5,5,5 starting at 65%  add 5 -10# each set, no failed reps Conditioning:  (running clock) 2 Minute AMRAP Burpees - 2 Minutes Rest - 5 Minute AMRAP 20 OH Walking Lunges with Plate 45/25 10 Shoulder to Overhead 75/45 Tabata Ab-mat Situps Tabata Strict Pull-ups Our Experience: This kicked both our butts today! We have been working on more conditioning, the...



Can I lift weights while pregnant?

2:59 PM
This was one of my first questions for my doctor when we first found out we were expecting. At that point in time I had been Crossfitting on and off for several years, but we had just relocated to Eugene. I had taken the summer months off getting settled in our new home, and I had just started back about a 2 months...

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