Breakfast. It's either a daily ritual, where you prepare a meal for yourself and/or the ones you love or its something that if it happens, great, if not, you're in the snack drawer at work or downing 3 cups of coffee in the next 2 hours. It's overlooked, and often less exciting than the dry piece of toast crumbling on your plate. It...
When someone mentions gelatin, two things typically come to mind, orange Jell-o and cow hooves.. that's as much exposure as I had had up until recently. It started with a recipe for bone broth. Everyone raving about how the stuff is so great, so good for you.. etc. I just wanted to know why, so here's the scoop. First, there are several types...
Strength: Backsquats 5,5,5,5,5 starting at 65% add 5 -10# each set, no failed reps Conditioning: (running clock) 2 Minute AMRAP Burpees - 2 Minutes Rest - 5 Minute AMRAP 20 OH Walking Lunges with Plate 45/25 10 Shoulder to Overhead 75/45 Tabata Ab-mat Situps Tabata Strict Pull-ups Our Experience: This kicked both our butts today! We have been working on more conditioning, the...
This was one of my first questions for my doctor when we first found out we were expecting. At that point in time I had been Crossfitting on and off for several years, but we had just relocated to Eugene. I had taken the summer months off getting settled in our new home, and I had just started back about a 2 months...